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Privacy & Cookiestatement


Die vorliegende Datenschutzerklärung (v2.0.1) gilt ab dem 11. Juli 2024.

The Stoneridge online Privacy Statement applies to the website of Orlaco Vision Systems and our affiliated companies that link to this online Privacy Statement.

Orlaco Products BV, a part of Stoneridge Inc., located at Albert Plesmanstraat 42, 3772 MN Barneveld, is responsible for the processing of personal data as outlined in this Privacy Statement.

Contact details:
Orlaco Products BV
Postbus 193
3770 AD Barneveld
+31 (0)342 404 555

Stoneridge places great importance on protecting your privacy when processing personal data online related to the use of our websites. When you sign up for our newsletter, apply for a job online, or engage with Stoneridge online, you trust us with your data. This Privacy Statement is intended to provide you with insight into what data we collect, why we collect this data, and how we use it. Please remember that you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link provided in each newsletter.

What personal data may be collected by us?
During your interaction with Stoneridge websites, such as when you sign up for our newsletter, apply for a job online, or engage with Stoneridge online, we may collect the following data:

- Your name (First name & Last name)
- Your email address
- Your company name
- Your address
- Your postal code
- Your city
- Your country of origin
- Your phone number
- How you found us
- Your interests
- Your customer number
- Your job application documents
- Details about the products you have requested

Why do we use your personal data?
We collect your personal data for various purposes, such as processing your quotation request, corresponding with you, sending online newsletters to you, or handling a job application. Additionally, we may collect information for statistical analysis purposes and gather information about your use of our websites. We use cookies for these purposes.

What do we do with your personal data?
- We use your personal data to process your quotation request, either ourselves or through our preferred partners.
- If you sign up for our online newsletter, we use your name and email address in our online newsletter system.
- We use your personal data to process your job application, either ourselves or involving others in the process.
- To contact you for customer satisfaction surveys or market research.
- To support products or services you have obtained from us.

How do we handle your personal data?
We handle the personal data of visitors to Stoneridge websites with great care. Regarding the processing of personal data, we are responsible under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We only use your personal data in accordance with and for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement.

Disclosure to third parties
We do not disclose the personal data you provide to third parties outside of Stoneridge, unless required or permitted by law. Personal data is shared only with Orlaco Dealers for processing quotation requests and with Google Analytics for analyzing our websites. We have entered into processing agreements with these processors.

Google verwendet manchmal personenbezogene Daten.Bitte lesen Sie hier darüber.

Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to analyze our websites. We have entered into a processing agreement with Google Analytics. Under no circumstances do we further share data about the use of our website with Google.

Your rights
For all online newsletters we send, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link provided in each online newsletter.

Securing and retaining
We take appropriate security measures to prevent misuse of and unauthorized access to your personal data. This ensures that only necessary persons have access to the data, that access to the data is shielded, and that our security measures are regularly reviewed. All data shared with us and Google Analytics via our websites is transmitted through a secure (https) SSL connection.

This Privacy Statement may be amended from time to time. We do not limit your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We will indicate any changes to the Privacy Policy on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide email notifications regarding changes to the Privacy Policy. We also maintain previous versions of this Privacy Policy in an archive accessible via marketing@stoneridge.com.